Digitisation, connectivity and social innovation
For areas of the company which have a significant impact on the community, because of the products and services they offer, the Group has obtained and/or confirmed certifications to ensure that procedures and conduct are adopted in line with the expectations of the stakeholders.
The certifications achieved for the main activities are shown below:
- quality of products and services offered: UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standard;
- environmental protection: UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 standard;
- limit greenhouse gas emissions: standard UNI EN ISO 14064-3;
- efficient energy management: standard ISO 50001: 2011;
- protection of human capital by companies and suppliers: SA 8000 standard;
- health and safety at work: BS OHSAS 18001:2007 standard;
- general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories: ISO/IEC 17025 standard;
Information Technology services: ISO/IEC 20000-1 standard;
- data security: ISO 27001 standard;
- protection of personal data in Public Cloud services: ISO/IEC 27018 standard;
- software and IT solution production processes: CMMI-DEV (Capability Maturity Model Integration - Development) certifications;
- respect for principles intended to promote trust between consumers and businesses operating on the Internet: WebTrust (Certification Authorities - SSL Baseline Requirements Audit Criteria);
- fulfilment of the AGID (Digital Italy Agency) requirements to perform the role of:
- Accredited Certifier for Qualified Signatures, the National Service Charter and Timestamping;
- Accredited Operator for Certified Email;
- Accredited Custodian for storing electronic documents.
Detailed information about the certifications achieved by the various functions/companies of the Group can be found in the sustainability section of the telecomitalia.com website.
In Brazil, as required by ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency), the Brazilian telecommunications authority, KPI Survey Method Quality Certificates were also achieved for the whole country regarding:
- personal mobile service (TIM Celular);
- switched fixed telephone service (TIM Celular and Intelig);
- multimedia communications services (FIBER).
1 source: SENACON official report