Corporate Shared Value
Proposals for action
The selected proposals for actions
Sensoristica IoT per le situazioni d’emergenza [IoT sensors for emergency situations] is a research and development plan for natural disaster prevention, knowledge and management. The aim is to “add” intelligence and connectivity wherever people live, using a widespread system of sensors.
Modelli predittivi per le situazioni di emergenza [Predictive models for emergency situations] is concerned with promoting a dialogue with the relevant stakeholders on the joint development of models that are able to study and extract meaning from historic information, acting as predictive models to manage emergency situations in advance.
Quartiere connesso [Connected district] is concerned with establishing a set of common standards for the uniform reporting of data from each individual home, with a view to creating “home networks”, allowing each individual user to communicate with household appliances and other users for security, energy efficiency and reducing food waste.
Dispositivi indossabili per la salute [Wearable devices for health] is a platform for the interconnected management and real time monitoring of people’s vital signs (e.g. body temperature, blood pressure, respiratory rate), establishing communication between (wearable) accessories, patients and health care facilities.
Sensoristica IoT per ottimizzare i flussi di traffico [IoT sensor systems to optimise traffic flows] is a programme to develop a system of sensors and an integrated platform for monitoring and checking the data collected, to be installed across cities in order to ensure the efficient management of traffic flows based on various parameters (e.g. the behaviour of citizens, environmental conditions, car park occupancy).
Laboratorio per la realtà aumentata [Laboratory for augmented reality] aims to test learning (in terms of content and meta-cognition) through Augmented Reality, in order to test new models of teaching and create a network of “ambassadors” who can transfer results to the “more peripheral” schools.
Bottone SOS [SOS Button] aims to develop an App to allow under-18s to call a specific “switchboard” to report events and risks including cyber-bullying, child pornography and the sharing of intimate video images. The App will allow the information provided by the user to be recorded and mapped (personal details, geographic area…) and sent to the relevant body.
StaySafe Community is a community of teachers and students involved in continuous education and training on Net security.The information material is developed directly within Italian schools, working with teachers and students, and is then published on the platform. The families of students can access a dedicated space to find the latest information on this subject.
Accademia per lo sviluppo delle competenze digitali degli insegnanti [Academy for developing the digital skills of teachers] is a centre of excellence for training teachers, consisting of significant players in the Italian educational system, for testing new models of teaching enabled by the new technologies now available, using research-action methods, aimed at creating and testing new forms of teaching in the field.
[G4-25], [G4-26] Aside from the forum, the stakeholder engagement process takes place regularly during implementation of the company’s projects. For each project, the affected stakeholders are identified and priorities are assigned based on the importance of the stakeholder for the business objectives or its relevance in specific fields which are considered strategic by the Company (i.e. Contributing to the economic or cultural growth of the country with projects not strictly connected with business).
Once the relevant stakeholders have been identified for the project, the most suitable strategies for building relations are studied, which can include individual and group meetings, information sessions, shared projects, surveys, focus groups, etc.
The feedback that the various stakeholders provide to TIM is analysed in order to identify solutions the Company can offer to satisfy the specific requirements.
At the end of the feasibility analysis and verification process, TIM decides which solutions to offer and which projects and initiatives to undertake. Stakeholder involvement continues beyond this to monitor and adjust the initiatives.
TIM has drawn up general guidelines for group stakeholder engagement and a set of policies associated with different kinds of stakeholders, including customer service charters, a policy on relations with suppliers in purchasing processes, the code of conduct for protecting the data of other local operators, guidelines for relations with local authorities and other organisations, guidelines for voluntary contributions to the Community.
Lastly, the Group is aware of the importance of providing accurate information on its activities to the financial market, investors and the community in general. Subject to the need for confidentiality in the running of the business, communication with the financial market is carried out in a way that ensures transparency, fairness, clarity, promptness and equality of access to information, ensuring equality of treatment for all categories of shareholders, as required by the Bylaws. The external communication of information is governed by specific internal procedures, in line with the regulations in force.
The Company has set up dedicated channels of communication with shareholders, bondholders and stakeholders interested in receiving information about the financial and non-financial aspects of the Company.
The Investor Relations department develops and manages, on daily base, relationships with all types of investor: both institutional and retail investors (including individual shareholders associations), bondholders, socially responsible investors and equity and credit analysts. In 2016 TIM organized quarterly conference calls, road shows abroad, meetings at the Company’s main offices, participation to industry-related conferences. More details are available on TIM Group 2016 Annual Report, (see Information for Investors).
TIM financial communications activities also consider the needs of investors linked to socially responsible investing which are interested in environmental protection, Human Rights respect and corporate governance issues. Investor Relations supports Corporate Shared Value department during dedicated meetings and conference calls with socially responsible investors.
As regards relations with individual (retail) shareholders - more than 480,000 holders of ordinary shares – TIM developed specific communication strategy. In 2006, the “TI Alw@ ys ON” ( Shareholders’ Club was launched as a virtual meeting place between the Company and its individual investors. Access to the Club is completely free of charge and allow to receive financial news (weekly stock market report, sms alert,...)
On line communication is the main way to update financial community: Investor channel ( is constantly updated with quarterly financial presentations, Semi-Annual and Annual Reports, AgM documents and financial investor calendar.