TIM Group

Codes, policies and charters of the group

[G4-56The undertakings given by the Group are expressed in a system of Charters, Policies and Codes available in the sustainability section of the telecomitalia.com website.

In the belief that the success of the company cannot be separated from business ethics, the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Human Rights Policy of the TIM Group set out the objectives and values of the Company’s activities in respect of the main stakeholders with whom the Group interacts.

The Service Charters, which are intended to simplify the relationship with customers and make it more direct, set out the principles of conduct and undertakings given by TIM regarding the quality of the services offered. They also provide information regarding the ongoing improvement of quality standards and contact channels available to customers. The Service Charters are available on the Group’s commercial websites (tim.it, impresasemplice.it.)

The General Conditions of subscription and contract, which govern relations with subscribers and are additional to the Service Charters, are published on the following websites tim. it, impresasemplice.it e nuvolaitaliana.it The General Conditions of subscription for fixed telephony are also published in telephone directories.

Furthermore, in order to comply with the various resolutions of the Italian communications authority regarding quality, the objectives set for each year for the individual services (fixed and mobile voice services, Internet access services, call centre services for customer support) are published on the relative websites. A selection of the objectives and their respective levels of achievement is set out in the Appendix.

The other undertakings given by the Group are contained in the following documents, which are available in the sustainability section of the Internet site:

  • Respecting Human Rights in the TIM Group, which emphasises that the telecommunication sector is strategic in terms of Human Rights because it affects the accessibility of technology and services (geographical and social digital inclusion) in particular for the most vulnerable, as well as the right to privacy, personal data protection and freedom of expression, particularly online;
  • Social responsibility in the TIM Group, on compliance with labour standards within the Group, with particular reference to child labour, forced labour, health and safety, freedom of association, discrimination, disciplinary procedures, working hours and pay;
  • Relations with suppliers in TIM Group’s procurement process, which governs the negotiating ethic of the Group (transparency, the separation of roles, fairness and traceability) and the requirements that TIM demands of its suppliers in the area of working and environmental standards;
  • Green Procurement Policy, which is intended to minimise the environmental impact directly attributable to the Company and its suppliers in the context of the procurement process;
  • TIM Group Guidelines on Voluntary Contributions to the Community which govern the ways in which the Group makes investments in favour of the communities in which it operates;
  • Code of conduct for the confidentiality of OLO (Other Licensed Operator) Data which ensures the proper handling and confidentiality of data by the departments that supply services to other operators;
  • TIM Group Guidelines for Responsible Marketing which outline the principles followed by the Group to ensure honest, transparent and fair business practices in addition to those contained in the Charters and Codes mentioned above.

TIM’s Code of Ethics and Conduct underlines a number of key objectives for everyone working in the Group:

Excellence of the service
We pursue excellence towards customers, creating value for the shareholder and the communities in which we operate.

Ethics and Compliance
We operate in compliance with the law and with universally accepted ethical principles, based on transparency, fairness and loyalty.

We promote fair competition that serves the interests of customers and of every player in the market.

Human resources
We value the Group’s human resources, respecting each other’s differences, within a framework of loyalty, observance of ethical values and trust.

We ensure the transparency of our actions in our relationship with customers, the market, investors, the community, employees and all stakeholders in general.

The Community
We contribute to the prosperity and growth of the communities in which we operate, respecting the environment and the rights of future generations.

Health and Safety
We protect health and safety in the workplace, ensuring respect for the physical and moral integrity, rights and dignity of workers.