WithYouWeDo is TIM’s crowdfunding platform which provides an innovative, easy and efficient digital tool for raising funds promoted by individuals, businesses, and institutions in the profit and non-profit world who want to develop a digital project in the social innovation, digital culture and environmental protection areas.
It offers some tangible advantages with respect to other crowdfunding platforms already present on the market, including no costs to use the platform and the extreme convenience of the transaction commissions applied by the payment systems. To participate, you simply need to register on the portal and upload your project. The WithYouWeDo team, which consists of Company experts and crowdfunding platform specialists, checks and selects the ones considered most suitable for each of the proposed areas (Social Innovation, Environment, Digital Culture). The selected projects are then published online for a variable length of time during which the funding offered by interested donors can be raised.The Company provides strong communication support and visibility for the initiatives also through the engagement of the various relevant communities and special dedicated initiatives.
In order to make donations, all you need to do is register on the platform supplying your email address and a password, or using your Facebook, Google or Linkedin account. Donations can be made of between 2 euros and 5,000 euros maximum.
In 2016, WithYouWeDo also helped to create unaiutosubito.org, the crowdfunding platform for raising funds for victims of the earthquake that struck Central Italy several times, starting on 24 August. Conceived in collaboration with Corriere della Sera, TgLa7 and Starteed, the unaiutosubito.org platform has also made it possible to support earthquake victims with a credit card in an easy, quick and secure way. The initiative has been highly successful, setting the world record for raising funds for earthquake victims through crowdfunding, and during the year it made it possible to deliver a new school to the population of Arquata del Tronto and to start work on the construction of a school and town cafeteria and a food village in Amatrice. Additional projects will be carried out in 2017.