TIM people

Reports received through the Internal control procedure

[G4-LA16] Below are the reports received through the Internal Control Reporting Procedure (see the Corporate Governance paragraph of The TIM Group) on work-related matters for the three years 2016-2014 in Italy and in Brazil.


Total number of reports regarding work matters
received through the formal mechanisms in the reference period
Handled during the reporting701070
Resolved during the reporting601070
Total number of reports regarding work matters
received previously, which were resolved in the reference period


2016substantiated2015     substantiated2014substantiated
Total number of reports regarding work matters received through
the formal mechanisms in the reference period
12942182014     76
Handled during the reporting period129421876
Resolved during the reporting period129351866
Total number of reports regarding work matters received previously,
which were resolved in the reference period

There has been a Reporting Procedure in Brazil since 2014. The increase in the number of reports recorded in 2015 with respect to the previous year can be ascribed to the greater accessibility of the procedure, which was reviewed in 2015. The 2016 data is in line with the number for 2014.